
Cheating on the Raw Food Lifestyle

Thank you to the thousands of people who have happened upon this collection of writing and spent their time listening to my story. I am forever grateful :)

As I return to food I have been presented with various opportunities to cheat in the name of convenience and pleasure each bringing a degree of satisfaction and awareness.

Take pizza. There are many raw pizza recipesout there to give you an alternative to Papa Johns. They require heavy time and preparation and have a wonderful gourmet feel. With the extraordinary amount of work it takes to make this kind of pizza, an old habit tells you cheating is supposed to be faster, easier, impulse.... and taste better.

To a degree, you need rewards to keep balance. One night of pizza hut is not going to undo all your valiant efforts and hard work and it will taste great. But it will set your progress back and remind you of why you changed to begin with. Gas, heaviness and bloating will pay a visit.

The one time indulgence of Dominos isn't really so bad in itself, it is the decision following that matters. All habits begin with the first "repeat". Nip it in the bud! I made a pact with myself that if I choose to cheat for whatever reason (no guilt, I just enjoy it) I follow it right up with a one day juice fast and week or two of rawness.

Cheating is like Russian Roulette or dipping your toe in shark waters. Risky bidness. Huge upside to all the hard work to stay 100% raw ... the intense nutrients give an awareness to you that makes staying clean relatively easy. Very freeing when your 100% raw in full swing and, at the same time, sometimes I still play with fire just to do it :)


Anti-Inflammatory Juice with ZIP!

Thank you to the thousands of people who have happened upon this collection of writing and spent their time listening to my story. I am forever grateful :)
I discovered a killer drink tonight and just so happened to realize that it is a great anti-inflammatory concoction! For anyone suffering from inflammation this is a fabulous alternative to ibuprofen or NSAID anti-inflammatory drugs, without any unwanted side effects! Try it ASAP.

1 half dollar size chunk of ginger 
3 apples 
1 lemon (juice the rind and all if organic!)
1 pear

Turns out a beautiful bright green and yellow drink that has zip and great taste fresh. I wouldn't let it sit in a jar or fridge too long as it just doesn't have the same kick, not to mention the oxidation and loss of enzymes that come with storing fresh juice. 


Weight: 195!