
Inspiration Strikes Again: Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead

Thank you to the thousands of people who have happened upon this collection of writing and spent their time listening to my story. I am forever grateful :)

Truth be told, nearly dead is about how I feel. Not in the sense that I am overweight physically, but overweight mentally. It's been 3 months since I looked at this blog and nearly a month since I have touched my own juicer. I have been attempting to stay in the game by purchasing juice from juice bars, but it just isn't matching the quality and quantity of juicing at home.

I recently went through a very traumatic separation from someone I dearly loved. For awhile, I stuck with the diet. So vigorously in fact, that I was limiting my calorie intake to way below what a normal active person would need, yet sticking to perfect food. Organic, raw, local fruits, vegetables and herbs. I just wasn't taking in enough. I felt a looming depression and I just wasn't hungry. Staying the course with raw food made a tremendous difference in how I handled much of the stress and my emotions, however I have quickly been losing ground and slipped off the path. I would like to share why and how, briefly, so that anyone out there listening knows they are not alone.

Due to the separation, I made a relocation to Colorado. It was an attempt to start fresh and be near something I loved and was inspired by... open, rugged country. The mountains do something for me that is almost spiritual, in the same way I was drawn to the ocean and tropics of South Florida. However, a price tag has come with all the change and I am struggling to survive financially, emotionally and recently have been feeling poor physically. Some of the old irritations are re-surfacing and it is an instant reminder that I have let the current circumstance derail me from my progress towards healing and vitality.

In the last week, I have re-visited pizza, ice cream, alcohol and 30 minutes ago pounded a chocolate fudge cookie. Each time, I feel heavy, tired or have some type of headache, inflammation afterwards. The effect is mild compared to the pain I used to have, however, it is a small reminder that if I keep it up the pain will return. I forget that only 5 months ago I reached a point where I was willing to try anything on the planet in order to feel better. It absolutely amazes me how quickly my pain dissolved and now feels like a lifetime ago even though it was just 5 months.

Sometimes direction in life is subtle and missed, but tonight I watched a movie call "Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead" that made me remember exactly how I felt when I began my first juice fast. I was willing to go the distance and nothing would stop me from my mission of healing. That intense focus and commitment is what brought me an overall total weight loss of nearly 50lbs and completely changed my life. Since then, I have been learning more everyday about how our body heals, stores food, fights disease and what it really takes to live a vital life. I feel I am far from where I want to be and all the personal distractions and emotions in my life have thrown me back into old mind patterns and attitudes that I recognize and want to stamp out immediately.

I recommend this film to anyone who wants a light-hearted, inspirational pick me up or for anyone who is new to juice fasting. It is truly a fantastic way to boost mood, energy and overall spirit. It puts you back in touch with nature, your body, sights, smells and heightens all your senses.

Tonight, I am ordering a new piece for my Champion Juicer (the blade is too dull!) and when I receive it, I'm going in for a full on juice fast. Although, in contrast to my recent experiments with water fasting and disease breakdown... with this, my true intention is to be completely full, flood my body with micro-nutrients and get that bursting clean energy back. I feel I truly need this in my life and hopefully this article appeals to someone out there who needs a quick, kick in the ass to get back in gear and change your life for the better.

In the spirit of the flick I just watched, good luck mate!

Current Weight: 180


  1. Thanks for posting this. I just stumbled on this blog, looking for inspiration as I am on day 6 of a 30 day juice fast! This is a hard day for me and I really needed a lift. I really felt cravings today and overall it was just really hard. I am so glad I read your blog, it helped me out of my funk! Good luck to you and I hope you pick back up in your road to healing! Thanks so much!

  2. Great post! Recently watched the movie and I'm inspired! I've lived with Fibromyalgia for a while and want to try and see if it'll help. Thanks!

  3. @Anonymous: Your welcome! Day 10.. stay strong!
    @UrbanRabbit: I have certification to practice massage therapy and I can tell you without a DOUBT that this will help Fibromyalgia. No matter what the doctors have told you, know confidently that your symptoms can and will be cured by way of nutritional healing. Look up Dr. Fuhrman if you aren't already familiar and read what he has to say about fasting and healing. I wish you the best!
