
Juice Fast - Day 13 Enema Procedure & Benefit

Thank you to the thousands of people who have happened upon this collection of writing and spent their time listening to my story. I am forever grateful :)
Yeah, I went there. I have read enough studies that I couldn't deny the coffee enema any longer. I was feeling a bit sluggish today and decided to give it a shot.

I went with a general syringe from the CVS drugstore and organic coffee.

I have seen some pretty silly demonstrations on how to perform an enema. Special positions, special hoses, buckets... None of which is necessary. A cheap syringe and cheap organic coffee is all you need!


1. Cook coffee and strain granules out
2. Lay on the bathroom floor with your drawers dropped!
3. Suction coffee into the syringe
4. Lube up, or don't. Total preference here.
5. Squeeze coffee into your....(google enema)
6. Hold as long as you can without causing overwhelming discomfort and fire away!
7. Repeat if you couldn't hold it longer than a minute or two. Aim for 10 minutes

Let me warn you, you may have an accident! It doesn't feel natural to have liquid coming in the opposite direction and you will probably feel the need to blowout ASAP.

All the disgusting-ness, embarrassment and confusion on why this is necessary put aside; the coffee enema made me feel pretty damn good! Of course the process was gross and odd, but consider the circumstance. I haven't had a bowel movement worth anything in at least 5 days. It felt really nice to flush out and oddly enough I couldn't believe it pulled out some additional junk along the way.

I didn't want to say it, but I think I will be doing this again. It seemed to take the edge off this evening.

Weight: 207

Spread em!


Juice Fast - Day 11 Detox Symptoms & Ginger Ale

Thank you to the thousands of people who have happened upon this collection of writing and spent their time listening to my story. I am forever grateful :)

Shooo-weeee. It's getting tough. At this point, I am entangled in really strange and new feelings.

On the positive, I feel a healing process taking place. I can witness instant benefits to drinking certain juices and continue to have energy to make it through the day. (I.E., ginger clears my sinus and relieves any discomfort on my skin I may have almost instantly). I've even been completing 30-45 min of cardio with a regimen of 2 days on, one day off, all without exhaustion! I also feel so very appreciative of food itself. I was seriously upset when we threw out all the cooked vegetables from the broth or even the juicer remains.

On a side note, the colors seem to be sticking in my psyche. This morning I juiced 2 beets and greens and placed in one jar. It was radiating a deep glowing purple. Separately, I juiced celery, parsley and lemon. It was a light crisp green. Lastly, I mixed the remains of the beet juice with the green juice and topped it off with some lemon-limeade (juice diluted 50/50 with spring water and a bright light yellow/green). After it was shaken an earthy brown took over. It wasn't that pretty but it did make me take notice to the purple and green again and how vibrant they were. A friend at work made a comment about a jar of carrot juice, "dude, that looks like paint" and I had to appreciate how it really did. Thick color and rich oranges.

On the negative, I've had some really conflicting mood swings. Yesterday, I felt a little off and was late for work, missed getting any juice at all. Once at work, I mixed up one of my organic acai powder drink and that was all I had for the day. I wasn't hungry, however I noticed that all the customer interactions I had that day were really cranky people, angry people and to top it off a very degenerate customer got right in my face and threatened me physically - a coworker thankfully hit the panic button and although he was gone by the time the police showed, I don't think he will show his face again. Back to juicing...

Anyway, I had some really negative thoughts toward this guy afterwards and just had an all around feeling of UGH. Was absolutely the worst day mentally since this fast began. In all truth, up until yesterday, I have never been so utterly happy to the bone, feeling honest love for life as I have during peaks of this fast. So it came as a surprise to have such a downer day. My understanding is that missing the juice hastened the my healing crisis, hence resulting in an exorcism of emotions and past feelings. I tend to believe that these angry thoughts and feelings showed up in person disguised as my angry customers. Like stubbing my toe on the way out of bed, after being late to work and missing the juice everything against me amplified that day and my body went on full speed healing mode, spitting out all the garbage it could find.

Big PLUS. I discovered how to make ginger ale with a juicer. Recipe is as follows:

1 lemon
1 lime
1 2in chunk ginger
2-3 apples OR 3 cups grapes OR honey to taste

I will let you know how it goes on the next post, way too tired to do it tonight! Until next time...

Assalam Alaikum

Weight: 207 lbs 18 down!


Juice Fast - Day 9 Vegetable Broth

Dear god. I want to eat solid food! I think I hit a wall yesterday, well maybe not a full on wall but certainly THOUGHTS about a wall that I was about to hit. Each time I think of day 30, it seems like a million years away.

Well, in the interest of not being bored, I have added a very mean broth to the regimen. So far, I have been placing about a gallon of spring water in a stainless steel pot and bringing to boil. After retuning the heat to medium, I drop in various vegetables and greens with a base of:

1 onion,
1 head of garlic,
1 pack of green onions chopped.
2 carrots chopped
2-3 tablespoons of various herbs

I have added in celery, collard greens, parsley, bone marrow bones for soup base or whatever leftovers from juicing there are to the broth. As for spices, I'm just experimenting. Lots of savory herbs, oregano, parsley, thyme, rosemary, poultry seasonings, black pepper, cayenne pepper, garlic powder, onion powder, etc. I have been cooking about 45 minutes to an hour until everything looks washed out... Then the finishing touch! Run the cooked vegetables through the juicer and/or blend them up and strain them to get every last ounce of flavor and nutrition out of it. Mix all broths together and you have an very thorough and delicious treat.

Also, take note - by delicious I mean devoid of salt and bland so spice it up! Use all natural, organic spices to make it robust! I have been cutting up fresh herbs by the masses and tossing in. Whole Foods carries little packs of fresh herb spice mixes that are perfect.

Finished product should be smooth, robust, fiber-less broth that should keep for 2 days, 3 maximum.

Keep brothin my people



Juice Fast - Day 7 Alcohol Avoidance & Will Power

Thank you to the thousands of people who have happened upon this collection of writing and spent their time listening to my story. I am forever grateful :)
Day 7 is here! So much to share about the last few days. Let me begin with with my triumph over the weekends temptations.....

My friend Carla was having a birthday party this weekend and I was a little worried I wouldn't stick to my guns in the face of a good time and someones birthday. Fortunately, it was much easier than I thought! Days 1-4 had been such a challenge that a feeling of resolve came about me and I just couldn't bear throwing the last 4 days progress away for a night of boozin. Thus, I improvised and picked up various juices throughout the night and still had a great time without the food/booze. I was surprisingly energetic and in a great mood.

I did have a couple of minor setbacks. One, all the juice I was able to locate was pasteurized, nothing was fresh.. but that was to be expected, even here in Florida. Secondly, I was so overjoyed at the ease at which I was making it through the night and my ability to turn down the booze without regret that I broke the rules; I celebrated a dual moment of personal growth as well as Carla's birthday with a Djarum Black clove mini cigar. I know, I know. Bad Jono. It does contradict the purpose of the fast, however it seemed like a very small sin at the time!

All in all it was a great experience. Speaking as someone who has never volunteered for the designated driver honors, I gotta say.. it was alright. I had a pretty good time and really appreciated the missing hangover! In retrospect, it was a great feat of self control and felt pretty good.

As for the juicing, well other than the fact that I'm a bit tired of all the preparation it is going pretty good. I'm discovering what is the best bang for your buck and getting the routine down. Hunger has almost totally dissipated and I only feel it when I'm low on juice.

Best thing that happened this week? My fiancee joined me after she saw what great results I was having with weight loss and energy levels. I am looking forward to pressing on and seeing what lies around day 14.

PS - I have quit taking all prescription meds!

Don't stop the rock,



Juice Fast - Day 5 Apple Cinnamon Heaven

Thank you to the thousands of people who have happened upon this collection of writing and spent their time listening to my story. I am forever grateful :)
I believe I have discovered the secret to happiness.

I was craving something warm and fuzzy so I tried this: Apple + Lemon + Ginger + Cinnamon. It is really just about perfect. I had to run it through the juicer twice to get it to a nice smooth consistency due to difficult absorption by the cinnamon. Nevertheless, it is a great one to try.


4 Apples (juice cores also)
1/2 Lemon (peeled)
Tablespoon Cinnamon
Dime to Quarter sized chunk Ginger

Juice it once, then rinse the juicer parts and run it through once more for a smooth mix.

All is on track with the fast, lookin forward to posting a video tomorrow for an update.

Keep it real.

Weight: 214


Juice Fast - Day 3 Hunger Pangs & Cost Analysis

Thank you to the thousands of people who have happened upon this collection of writing and spent their time listening to my story. I am forever grateful :)
Wow! Let me just begin by saying that the last two days have been rough! I fought through about 48 hours of pretty intense hunger pangs. I mean, really messed with my mind.. When you are starving it seems like there is nothing that supersedes that feeling.

I took down about 4 large mason jars full of juice and probably 6-8 cups of these various herbal teas:

Yogi - Kava (bedtime)
Yogi - Healthy Fasting
Triple Leaf Tea - Ultra Slim (caution only drink 1 cup of this! Gets things moving if you catch my drift)
Royal King - Lian Zi Cha Cleansing Herbal Tea
Royal King - Reishi Mushroom Whole Slices

I ran into some financial issues right off the bat as I went to Whole Foods to purchase organic veggies. They have a great selection and most everything you need however I didn't plan well and I burned through $45 of vegetables in less than two days. Ouch! This could be due to a couple things.. either I was so hungry that I drank more juice than necessary... OR .. I chose too many really intense/expensive greens. After doing a little more homework I realized that you really only need a few of the highly packed dark green veggies and much more high juice volume items like apples, celery, carrots, melons, etc. Today's trip also sucked $45 bucks out of me however it appears like I'm set for at least 3 days if not more. I also picked up that fruit juices need to be diluted with water because of the sugar concentration so in effect I can double my volume (at least mentally) by making one mason jar of fruit juice only and diluting 50% with water.

On that note, I'm feeling a little hungry just talking about it. Gonna go slam jar :)


Weight: 200

Recommended Reading: 21 Pounds in 21 Days


Juice Fast - Day 1 Before & After

Thank you to the thousands of people who have happened upon this collection of writing and spent their time listening to my story. I am forever grateful :)

Today begins my adventure into juice fasting. I wanted to keep record of how this went for me for two reasons. Primarily to help me discover and heal my own body, watch how I react, etc.. and secondly for anyone out there who may be interested in doing this and has similar circumstances or reasons.

I have been living and coping with chronic pains and discomforts since my early 20's and am just now reaching the breaking point where I understand something must change in my life for me to make progress and/or be happy. I am going to leave out the specifics at this particular point, because after 10 years of failed doctor visits, diagnoses, etc.. it is sometimes a difficult subject for me. My only passion now is to live the healthiest life possible and trust that life is good!

My intention with this juice fast is to heal myself and be free from prescription drugs, period. I have lived with the uncomfortable symptoms for far too long and am willing to try just about anything to avoid being on pills permanently. I have done extensive research on diet, juicing, herbal remedies, acupuncture, massage therapy, etc.. however have never found the strength to stick with anything long enough to see results. Most of these alternative treatments can be expensive and require adequate finances to sustain. I am looking forward to completing the fast which will be very inexpensive and needs only my participation and commitment!

Another reason to do this is simply a test of personal will power and self control. Certain activities such as drinking, inadequate sleep, lack of exercise absolutely have contributed to my discomfort over the years and I am looking to go a period of time practicing what I know is the right thing to do without caving to peer pressure. (Yes, it can still happen to adults!)

I am creating this blog as additional support for myself and others and will hopefully see me through my first juice fast successfully! By the time we are done I hope to share great results and kick the drugs.

Here's to Day 1!

Weight: 225