Juice Fasting Explained

Thank you to the thousands of people who have happened upon this collection of writing and spent their time listening to my story. I am forever grateful :)
Juice fasting is derived from the principles of simple fasting or better known as water fasting. Water fasting is an ancient practice discussed in many religions and mythologies as a doorway towards spiritual enlightenment and healing. Today it is practiced to rid the body of toxins, body fat, kick start healing and cure chronic illness and disease. As a by product of a successful fast, clarity of the mind is restored. 

In the Bible, Jesus walked the desert wilderness and fasted for 40 days eating nothing and living in prayer. Buddha practiced fasting as part and player in his path to enlightenment. During his lifetime the Buddha discovered the value and power of discipline while fasting to achieve clarity. He also came to the conclusion that while starvation did bring clarity, the body must be nourished to carry on permanently. While spiritual reasons are not the primary reason people induce "detoxing" or fasting in current day, it is a reward many talk about after the fast is complete. 

Juice fasting is simple and elegant. During your allotted fasting time, absolutely nothing is consumed except fresh, organic vegetable and fruit juice. That's it! The catch is, in order for it to work and to receive the benefits as nature intended, store bought juices will not work. No cooked, pasteurized or processed food will nourish you the way fresh vegetables & fruit can. In fact, they can do the opposite over time promoting malnourishment and disease.

In a nutshell, the essential enzymes, vitamins, minerals and all the elements that give life die when they are cooked, processed and preserved artificially. Once, I read it explained like this, "If you want to live, eat food that is alive. If you want to die, eat food that is dead." It made such perfect sense, especially as I sat here fasting, witnessing my body change itself.

The only way to survive your job, social life and family while you dig into this is to plan ahead and have the essentials on hand. Purchasing of a commercial grade juicer is the largest investment, followed by various sized glass mason jars. A food processor is also a worthy investment as you may choose to add  cooked vegetable broth along the way and saves time chopping the vegetables. 

Science has allowed us the knowledge to understand that at a cellular level, your body is regenerating. The quality of cell regeneration is based on the available nutrients in your system. Lack of living nutrients results in long term weight gain, chronic pain and eventually disease. Reversal of all of these things is possible in time, with discipline and belief.

The beauty of juice fasting is that science picked up where Buddha left off. We now understand circulation of the bloodstream and how nutrients and medicine are delivered through the body. Your digestive tract is at rest while on a liquid only diet, therefore all body energy is devoted to cell regeneration and elimination of garbage. The newly formed cells are healthy, strong and free of disease because while you allow the intestine a break from digestion, you are providing 3X, 4X maybe 5X the amount of liquid nutrients from the fruits & veggies. These are absorbed instantly into the bloodstream and are carried to the new cells. 

The result? A cleaner, freeing feeling that brings clarity, love, discipline and health back to the participant. The abstinence from food is a powerful experience that instills discipline and demonstrates what can be accomplished with it.

The plan is simple: 

1. Buy fresh, organic produce of all varieties, emphasis on greens.
2. Juice them and drink fresh.
3. Plan ahead and make enough juice to keep you satisfied. 

Good luck to everyone!