
Juice Fast - Day 1 Before & After

Thank you to the thousands of people who have happened upon this collection of writing and spent their time listening to my story. I am forever grateful :)

Today begins my adventure into juice fasting. I wanted to keep record of how this went for me for two reasons. Primarily to help me discover and heal my own body, watch how I react, etc.. and secondly for anyone out there who may be interested in doing this and has similar circumstances or reasons.

I have been living and coping with chronic pains and discomforts since my early 20's and am just now reaching the breaking point where I understand something must change in my life for me to make progress and/or be happy. I am going to leave out the specifics at this particular point, because after 10 years of failed doctor visits, diagnoses, etc.. it is sometimes a difficult subject for me. My only passion now is to live the healthiest life possible and trust that life is good!

My intention with this juice fast is to heal myself and be free from prescription drugs, period. I have lived with the uncomfortable symptoms for far too long and am willing to try just about anything to avoid being on pills permanently. I have done extensive research on diet, juicing, herbal remedies, acupuncture, massage therapy, etc.. however have never found the strength to stick with anything long enough to see results. Most of these alternative treatments can be expensive and require adequate finances to sustain. I am looking forward to completing the fast which will be very inexpensive and needs only my participation and commitment!

Another reason to do this is simply a test of personal will power and self control. Certain activities such as drinking, inadequate sleep, lack of exercise absolutely have contributed to my discomfort over the years and I am looking to go a period of time practicing what I know is the right thing to do without caving to peer pressure. (Yes, it can still happen to adults!)

I am creating this blog as additional support for myself and others and will hopefully see me through my first juice fast successfully! By the time we are done I hope to share great results and kick the drugs.

Here's to Day 1!

Weight: 225

1 comment:

  1. I basically came across this blog wile researching for my own 11 day juice fast. I loved skimming through your entries.
