
Juice Fast - Day 11 Detox Symptoms & Ginger Ale

Thank you to the thousands of people who have happened upon this collection of writing and spent their time listening to my story. I am forever grateful :)

Shooo-weeee. It's getting tough. At this point, I am entangled in really strange and new feelings.

On the positive, I feel a healing process taking place. I can witness instant benefits to drinking certain juices and continue to have energy to make it through the day. (I.E., ginger clears my sinus and relieves any discomfort on my skin I may have almost instantly). I've even been completing 30-45 min of cardio with a regimen of 2 days on, one day off, all without exhaustion! I also feel so very appreciative of food itself. I was seriously upset when we threw out all the cooked vegetables from the broth or even the juicer remains.

On a side note, the colors seem to be sticking in my psyche. This morning I juiced 2 beets and greens and placed in one jar. It was radiating a deep glowing purple. Separately, I juiced celery, parsley and lemon. It was a light crisp green. Lastly, I mixed the remains of the beet juice with the green juice and topped it off with some lemon-limeade (juice diluted 50/50 with spring water and a bright light yellow/green). After it was shaken an earthy brown took over. It wasn't that pretty but it did make me take notice to the purple and green again and how vibrant they were. A friend at work made a comment about a jar of carrot juice, "dude, that looks like paint" and I had to appreciate how it really did. Thick color and rich oranges.

On the negative, I've had some really conflicting mood swings. Yesterday, I felt a little off and was late for work, missed getting any juice at all. Once at work, I mixed up one of my organic acai powder drink and that was all I had for the day. I wasn't hungry, however I noticed that all the customer interactions I had that day were really cranky people, angry people and to top it off a very degenerate customer got right in my face and threatened me physically - a coworker thankfully hit the panic button and although he was gone by the time the police showed, I don't think he will show his face again. Back to juicing...

Anyway, I had some really negative thoughts toward this guy afterwards and just had an all around feeling of UGH. Was absolutely the worst day mentally since this fast began. In all truth, up until yesterday, I have never been so utterly happy to the bone, feeling honest love for life as I have during peaks of this fast. So it came as a surprise to have such a downer day. My understanding is that missing the juice hastened the my healing crisis, hence resulting in an exorcism of emotions and past feelings. I tend to believe that these angry thoughts and feelings showed up in person disguised as my angry customers. Like stubbing my toe on the way out of bed, after being late to work and missing the juice everything against me amplified that day and my body went on full speed healing mode, spitting out all the garbage it could find.

Big PLUS. I discovered how to make ginger ale with a juicer. Recipe is as follows:

1 lemon
1 lime
1 2in chunk ginger
2-3 apples OR 3 cups grapes OR honey to taste

I will let you know how it goes on the next post, way too tired to do it tonight! Until next time...

Assalam Alaikum

Weight: 207 lbs 18 down!

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